Joining the Western Reserve Herb Society
Who are we?
Western Reserve Herb Society is a long standing community non-profit organization with an interest in growing and using herbs. We gain herbal knowledge thorough our educational meetings as well as hands on work in our herb garden located at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. Our mission is to share this herbal knowledge with the community.
What do we do?
- Learn about herbs
- Educate the public about herbs
- Tend our world class Herb Garden
- Sponsor horticultural scholarships for college students
- Share our enjoyment of herbs with the community
When do we meet?
We offer many opportunities for fellowship and friendship in our monthly meetings and casual special interest and gardening groups. Our unit meetings are in the morning on the third Wednesday of each month. Our special interest groups and committees meet at other times during the month.
We offer Friendship and Fellowship
Our members have diverse interests. Some of our best friendships grow from the fellowship of our organization. Those who participate in our unit and special interest groups enjoy this fellowship, education, great herbal foods and the satisfaction of accomplishing our mission and goals.
What are Membership Benefits?
WRHS offers many opportunities to learn about herbs and the hands on experience of gardening in our historic herb garden. The yearly dues for Active and Sustaining Membership in the Western Reserve Herb Society also includes membership in the Herb Society of America and access to their excellent programs and conferences.
What Are Membership Requirements?
Our members are encouraged to become involved in our organization and support our mission through many channels.
Who Should Join?
Our group welcomes all those interested in learning about herbs. We explore these aspects of herbs and herb gardening: culinary, horticulture, wellness, history, fragrance, and beauty. It is both the continuity of commitment to herbal efforts and the pleasure of sharing these interests that nurture the fellowship within WRHS and strengthens our service to the greater community. If you would like to learn more about herbs and also serve the greater Cleveland community with volunteer service, we welcome you to contact us and join our group.
Membership Questions?
Contact our Membership Chair at [email protected] to ask any questions about our group or joining our organization.

Membership Types
Prospective Membership
To become a Prospective Member, an individual must complete a Membership Application and submit the Application, along with a payment of $35. Membership forms can be printed, completed and mailed into the Western Reserve Herb Society, C/O Holden Forest & Gardens – Cleveland Botanical Garden, 11030 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44106 along with a check payable to the Western Reserve Herb Society (WRHS) ATTN: Membership Chair OR completed online with payment via Square. Upon receipt of these materials, the individual will be admitted to Prospective Membership. Prospective Members receive information about WRHS, the Bylaws and Herb Scents. They are informed about organizational and financial matters of WRHS but have no voice or vote.
Active Membership
To be accepted into Active Membership, a Prospective Member must attend a minimum of five meetings throughout at least one Unit gardening season and Herb Fair. Three shall be Unit meetings and two shall be Culinary and/or Horticulture meetings. In addition to the meeting attendance requirements, a Prospective Member must also actively work in the Unit’s garden for a minimum of six hours and participate in no less than one department in the preparation and sale of Herb Fair products. A Prospective Member shall have two (2) years from the date of application to complete the requirements.
As soon as membership requirements are completed, a Prospective Member will become an Active Member of WRHS, provided the membership limit of 125 Active Members is not surpassed. Active Members have voting rights and are obligated to attend no fewer than six meetings a year as provided in the Bylaws of WRHS. The fee for Active membership is $90 per year with $35 going towards local WRHS dues and $55 for national Herb Society of America dues.
To renew Active Membership, each Active Member shall attend not fewer than six (6) meetings each year. Three (3) shall be Unit meetings and three (3) shall be the member’s choice from among the following: Culinary, Horticulture, or any scheduled group meeting which furthers the work of the organization. In addition each Active
Member shall participate in the fundraising activities. Fee is $90 per year, which includes membership in The Herb Society of America.
Sustaining Membership
An individual who has been an Active Member for at least five years, who cannot fulfill the duties of an Active Member, but who wishes to continue membership in WRHS may become a Sustaining Member. Sustaining Members are entitled to all privileges of membership except voting, holding office, serving on standing committees in any official capacity, and sponsoring members. A Sustaining Member who wishes to become an Active Member shall submit a written request to the Membership Chair. The written request shall be granted, provided space is available. Sustaining Membership dues are $100 annually which include membership to The Herb Society of America.
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership shall be bestowed for life upon those who have given extraordinary service to the WRHS and/or The Herb Society of America. An Honorary Member may be, but not need be, a member of the Western Reserve Herb Society. The process for selecting Honorary Members is set forth in the Bylaws of WRHS. Honorary Membership includes rights to the floor, no payment of dues, and receipt of publications available to other members, but does not include the right to vote.
Join WRHS Now:
Click here to download the Prospective Membership Form (printable PDF)
WRHS Member Medicinal & Health Use Disclaimer
WRHS Member Medicinal and Health Use Disclaimer: As a member of the Western Reserve Herb Society, you promise to always represent WRHS in a professional manner within and outside of our organization in accordance with these directives.
In accordance with FDA and other government entity rules: the information and products you may learn about in regard to Medicinal herbs and Wellness as a result of your association with WRHS are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You, and you alone, are legally responsible for any and all decisions you make and herbal advice that you give regarding the health of yourself, your family and your friends, clients and even your pets.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition for yourself, friend or client. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of anything you have learned as a result of your association with WRHS.
When representing Western Reserve Herb Society in anyway, to a member or guest, be it in a WRHS meeting or gathering that’s public or private, please do not prescribe any remedy or dosage for any herb or herbal blend. This is not legal. It is different to educate and this is what we do best, but you must always state disclaimers and up to date contraindication information, even to your fellow members.
Reliance on any information provided by The Western Reserve Herb Society, members teaching or writing for WRHS or guests speaking at the invitation of WRHS, is used solely at your own risk.